Here at St. Patrick Catholic School, we have a fabulous preschool program. But do you know what makes our preschool so awesome? This week I took a better look at it to see what makes it such a good place for the little ones.
St. Pat’s preschool kids have it great. They get lots of recess time, they get to color, learn their letters and numbers, and play with each other all day long. All while learning in a Christian environment. What could be better than that? I know I’m a little jealous!
The preschool kids even get to come to Mass on Friday mornings with the rest of the school. They sit with the 6th and 7th graders, who have been dubbed their “Mass Buddies”. The big kids love sitting with the little ones as much as the little ones love sitting with them, making Mass that much more enjoyable for everyone.
When I asked the teachers what their favorite part of working at our preschool was, the response was pretty well unanimous. The overwhelming answer was “I love the kids, watching them grow every day.” What a fantasic answer from an amazing staff.
Overall, the preschool here at St. Pat’s is a wonderful place to be. The teachers love what they do, the children are always smiling and laughing, and there’s no better place for the kids to learn than in a Christian environment. With a school day full of arts and crafts, learning letters and playing with your friends, what little kid wouldn’t wanna go here?
(Photo credits: 8th grade photography team of Jude M., Jetta P., and Noah V.)