Draw This In your Style! 2

This time, you can draw fairy Triss in YOUR style

Everybody seemed to like the last Draw This in Your Style, so I’m back at it again.

This time I have a fairy for you to draw – same rules as last time. Make sure you don’t trace, and that it’s your own work, etc.

This is Triss, my fairy. We’re gonna draw her today, or tomorrow, I don’t know – when you have time.

I didn’t color her, so if you want to add color it’s all up to you! I have no colored concept art for her so if you do choose to color her I’m super excited to see her!

Now remember, yours doesn’t have to look anything like mine. This is your interpretation so do what you think fits Triss the best.

Have fun!



To submit your work, email Jed or Macey.